Help make a difference and sign up to volunteer today!
Provide a lap for a kitty, walk a dog, play with puppies and kittens. Help clean and care for the pets staying with us at the Adoption Center.
To Volunteer, please print out the Volunteer Application, fill out and bring it to the Adoption Center on a day that you can begin to volunteer. Please come during open hours dressed to work with the animals (no flip flops!). Once you are fully trained you can come in earlier to help staff get ready to open to the public.
Volunteers under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult
Our organization could not exist without volunteers. Volunteers are an important part of our team.
They are essential in providing the best possible care for our shelter animals. Volunteers who work directly with the animals can increase an animal's chances of adoption by providing additional human contact, thus making them more sociable and content. Volunteers also help us inform people of the aims and objectives of the Society and promote responsible pet ownership.
Volunteer Benefits
As an active volunteer at the Franklin County Humane Society, you will receive the following benefits:
On-the-Job Training
Invitation to an annual Volunteer Appreciation event
Letter of reference, upon request, for volunteers who have 5 months or more of continuous service with good attendance
The opportunity to learn and to assume a challenging responsibility
Personal fulfillment from serving in a meaningful and valuable way
Support of staff and fellow volunteers
Click here to fill out a volunteer application!
Are you interested in fostering?
Please go to the adoption page and fill out adoption application and indicate that you would like to foster. We use the same form for fostering and adoptions.